After School Care
Mon - Fri
$195/month, $65/week or $15/day
Register through Parent Portal or call us at 828-524-1904. Please make sure to note which school your child attends.
Sibling discount of 10% off for the second sibling, and 20% off for each additional sibling.
To arrive at New Vision for After School Care, we will pick your child up from their school. Our staff will facilitate homework, provide time for a snack, organize games and activities, and supervise play time on the ninja rig, trampolines, bouldering (rock wall), and basic gym play.
Tuition is due on the first of each month, and will be drafted the first Thursday. Tuition pricing is based on the full school year calendar; holidays or other missed days are not prorated except for August, December, and Spring Break which will be prorated based on Macon County Schools’ start date and Christmas Holiday.
No refunds or monetary credits are available for this program.